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We are happy to announce the 2024 Space Coast Police K-9 Competition will be held USSSA Space Coast Stadium, 5800 Stadium Parkway, Viera, FL. We hope you will plan to join us on Friday, November 8th at 6pm. We hope you make plans to join us. We promise it will be a big, fun, furry time!

Presented by:

Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi of Melbourne


The Space Coast Police K-9 Competition began in 2018. It is the idea of a Cocoa Police K-9 officer who competed in a similar event and thought it was a great way to educate the public about the important role of police canines. It was also a way to raise money to support police K-9 programs for law enforcement agencies that needed help. The event quickly grew to become a local favorite. The men and women of law enforcement are proud to participate in the only police K-9 Competition on the Space Coast. The event is made possible through many donations to the Space Coast Police K-9 Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit dedicated to supporting police K-9 programs and police officers throughout Brevard County and surrounding areas.